Sunday 19 November 2017

Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle):
The process to complete software product or project that includes both testing and development.
        We have different models of SDLC in industry, based on the requirements of the client only we will choose anyone of te model to complete the project

Types of SDLC:
1.      V-Model
2.      Waterfall Model
3.      Spiral model
4.      Prototype Model
5.      RAD Model
6.      Agile Model
7.      Fish Model

(1.    V-Model)
Verification is are we developing the application in Right manner or not
Validation is did we develop right application or not
Verification and Validation, in this model both development and testing activities goes parallel. This model suitable for large scale projects, which clients are having stable requirements. In this model new requirements are accepted in the middle of the project.

(2.    Water fall Model)
In this model after successful completion of development only testing activity will start. This model is suitable for small scale projects. New requirements are not accepted in the middle of the project. In this model project maintenance and monitoring is easy.

(3.    Spiral Model)
(100% Accuracy) in this model we will divide the total project into individual modules. And for each module we are implementing the SDLC process and develop the application. This model is suitable for scientific projects because they require 100% accuracy.

(4.    Prototype Model)
This model is suitable for projects in which clients are not having clear requirements and they do not have any idea about final application. In this case we analyses the client requirements and prepare a prototype of application.
     If client accepts that prototype, then we will write actual code for that application. If client not accepts then developer need to prepare another prototype... We need to continue this process till customer accepts.

(5.    RAD Model)
Rapid Application Development, in this model we will develop the application by using existing source code of the application. This model is suggestible for the project when clients are not having enough time.

(6.    Agile Model)

This model is suitable for project, if the requirements of the client changing very frequently. This model is suitable for banking domain projects.


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